HoF Analysis, addendum
I went into this project with some assumptions, and not all of them have turned out to be true.
1) The BBWA does/did not do a significantly better job at identifying players who deserve to be there. There are players from both groups scattered throughout the OPS+ rankings.
2) There really are some terrible hitters in the Hall of Fame. Lloyd Waner was almost a given to be among the "top" 10 when I started, but that's becoming much less obvious.
3) I didn't look too hard for a complete HoF reference site with advanced stats readily at hand. Every place I've looked is either a list of Hall members' names, or a stats site with thousands of names to search through for Hall members. It's not the biggest project in the world, but it'll take some time.
4) I was an idiot for not thinking of separating hitters and pitchers earlier than I did. It's a much more logical break point than who voted a player in, but there are still some lessons to be learned by that, too, so consider the player category list expanded to 4.
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